College life : An Oxymoron

SCAN Magazine

Illustrator | Publication Design

SCAN is a well-renowned, student print magazine of the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Atlanta. This quarterly run periodic magazine is entirely managed by SCAD students who determine the theme and editorial content for each edition. The spring issue 2021, is based on the theme “Contradiction”. This issue explores the very dichotomy and counter-intuitive nature of art and life.

We hold contradictions and oxymorons to be a normal part of life. But sometimes, They are symptoms of a bigger systematic problem: lack of support for the unsupported. The population of the college students is growing more diverse, bringing in more nuanced needs for support and understanding. The college environment must reflect these changes if it were to stay true to the goal : education.

Publication available at :


Hermes x India SS20. V1 | Scarf Pattern Experimental Design


Contradiction- Life and Death | Magazine Spread for SCAN